Gold Stars Swimming
With great disapointment, we have to announce that the HOA did not renew our contract for the 2022 season at the John Simpson pool. Our enrollment numbers were low the last couple of years due to COVID and we have no regrets keeping our number one priority as the safety of our neighborhood and coaches. We thank you for your support and trust with your children for the many years we were able to teach and build confidence in the pool. We will be offering private lessons to supplement all of our programs at John Simpson pool.
Gold Stars Developmental Swim Team (formally the Shooting Stars Program)
This program took over the Shooting Stars program and is designed for swimmers ages 5 to 14. We focus on the development of competitive swimming skills in freestyle and backstroke. At the end of the 4-week session, swimmers will be able to measure their improvement at an mock trial swim meet.
This is not a learn to swim program. Prior swim experience is necessary to enroll - Kids will need to be able to tread water for 10 seconds on their own and put their faces under water for 3 seconds.
Swimmers will need a competitive style swim suit (one piece for girls and jammers for boys). Goggles that fit and child is comfortable in as well as properly fitting rubber fins (non-ackle strap fins) will be needed as well. If child has longer hair, we request hair to be pulled back or a swim cap.
July 13th-August 5th, 2021.
T/W/Th 8:30-9:30 am 5-7 year olds
T/W/Th 9:30-10:30 am 8-14 year olds
Cost per swimmer: $200 until June 1st; $230 until July 1st; $240 after July 1st
Refund policy: $125 refund from May 12th - July 6th. No refunds will be given after July 6th.
Registration Forms: Please contact Hollie at goldstarsswimming@gmail.com