Gold Stars Swimming
Spring Fling/Stars Prep:
Join one of our most popular programs. Practice with trained coaches who cover streamlining, rhythmic breathing, side breathing freestyle, and the other 3 competitive strokes of backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. Ages 5 and up. These programs are not learn to swim programs. Prior swim experience is necessary to enroll - Kids will need to be able to tread water with faces above water for 10 seconds on their own and put their faces under water for 5 seconds min. as well as return to wall from middle of the pool on their own.
Below are our 2018 Swim sessions:
Two classes to choose from:
M/W at Bella Mar
March 19th - April 26th
Time: 6:45 PM - 7:45 PM
Ages 5 and up. Must know how to swim.
Cost: $200
Tues/Thurs at Bella Mar
March 20th - April 14th
Time: 6:45 PM - 7:45 PM
Ages 5 and up. Must know how to swim.
Cost: $200
Refund policy: $100 refund until March 4th. No refunds will be given after March 4th.
Registration form:
Click here to download Spring Fling/Stars Prep registration.
Swim Boot Camp:
Swim Boot Camp: Tue/Thu at John Simpson pool
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
May 15th - June 28th. $175
Click here to download registration forms
Swim Boot Camp:
Swim Boot Camp: Tue/Thu at John Simpson pool
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
July 3rd - July31st. $95
Click here to download registration forms
Swim Boot Camp:
Tue/Thu at John Simpson pool
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Aug 2nd - Aug 30th. $95
Click here to download registration forms
Back to School Swim Camp:
Tue/Thu at John Simpson pool
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
September 4th - September 27th. $95
Click here to download registration forms